The Community's Destination for Discovery, Learning, and Making Connections.
& Printing
We have computers available for public use spread throughout the building: on the main floor by the Reference desk, in Periodicals Department on the lower level, and in the Children’s Room.

Reference Desk
The computers by the Reference desk are designated for use by adults and young adults. Users can sign in at any available computer with their library card, or can ask the Reference desk staff for a guest pass. These computers offer access to the internet, Office suite, and printing.
A single session on the public computers is at minimum 1/2 hour, but can go for hours so long as people aren’t waiting to use the computers.
Please be aware that if you have fines of at least $10, you won’t be able to get on the computers. It’s an automated system, so the only way to take care of this is to bring your fines to under $10.

Children's Room
The computers in the Children's Room are designated for use by children only. Users can sign in at the Reservation Station at the service desk in the Children's room, or can ask the staff for a guest pass. These computers offer access to the internet, Office suite, Roblox, Minecraft, and printing.
A single session on the public computers is at minimum 1/2 hour, but can longer so long as people aren’t waiting to use the computers.
Please be aware that if you have fines of at least $10, you won’t be able to get on the computers. It’s an automated system, so the only way to take care of this is to bring your fines to under $10.

If all you need to do is type a document, head down to our Periodicals Department on the lower level. They offer 4 computers with Office suite.
These computers have no internet connection. If you need to save a document, please make sure to save it on a flash drive. If you don’t have your own flash drive, we can lend you one to save your document to email to yourself on one of our internet computers of the main floor.
Be sure to make it into the library 1-hour to 30-minutes before the library closes. All public computers on the main floor (Reference & Children's) shut down 15 minutes before the library closes. All public computers on the lower level (Periodicals) shut down 30 minutes before the library closes.